
Friday, August 26, 2011


means BRIDGE
in indonesian.
google suggested it,
after i pushed through a
number of early suitors,
clamoring to answer my djembe query.
i kept with my earnest initial impulse.
jembat, jembata; these were nothing.    ----------- > jembatan
was the auto-assist.
image search yields
what i'm looking for,
by the looks of it...
a bunch of bridges,
mostly foreign by the looks.
i think,
"jembatan probably means
'bridge,'" i'm thinking...
i search google for google translate.
i find that.
i input "jembatan."
google translate autodetects an
indonesian word.
i hit "translate."
it "translates to english."
the result:
I was right.  It feels good to do research.

Jembatan Barelang,Batam,Indonesia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

soo dang good for a poem